
  • R Programming (6) - Numerical integration
    R Programming 2020. 3. 28. 04:37


    Numerical integration

    • It is frequently necessary to compute

    • If we know the antiderivative F, then

    • However for many function f, we don’t know the closed form of antiderivative.

    • We approximate the integral on the divided subinterval:

    Rectagular method

    • Review the rectangular method
    rect <- function(ftn, a, b, n = 100){
      h <- (b-a)/n
      x.vec <- seq(a, b, by = h)
      f.vec <- sapply(x.vec, ftn)
      h * sum(f.vec)
    ftn6 <- function(x) return(4*x^3)
    rect(ftn6, 0, 1, n=20)
    ## [1] 1.1025

    Trapzoidal rule

    • Approximating the are under \(y=f(x)\) over the subinterval \([x_i, x_{i+1}]\) by a trapezoid.
    • The area of each trapezoid:

    • Trapezoidal approximation:

    trapezoid <- function(ftn, a, b, n = 100) {
      h <- (b-a)/n
      x.vec <- seq(a, b, by = h)
      f.vec <- sapply(x.vec, ftn)
      h*(f.vec[1]/2 + sum(f.vec[2:n]) + f.vec[n+1]/2)
    ftn6 <- function(x) return(4*x^3)
    trapezoid(ftn6, 0, 1, n=20)
    ## [1] 1.0025

    Simpson’s rule

    • Simpson’s rule subdivides the interval \([a,b]\) into \(n\) (even) subintervals

    • and approximate \(f\) by a parabola (polynomial of degree 2).

    • As an approximation to the area, we use
    • Now assuming \(n\) is even, we add up the approximation for subintervals \([x_{2i}, x_{2i+2}]\) to obtain Simpson’s approximations \(S\).
    • Notice that the \(f(x_i)\) for \(i\) odd are all weighted 4, while the \(f(x_i)\) for \(i\) even (except 0 and n) are weighted 2.
    simpson_n <- function(ftn, a, b, n = 100) {
      n <- max(c(2*(n %/% 2), 4))
      h <- (b-a)/n
      x.vec1 <- seq(a+h, b-h, by = 2*h)
      x.vec2 <- seq(a+2*h, b-2*h, by = 2*h)
      f.vec1 <- sapply(x.vec1, ftn)
      f.vec2 <- sapply(x.vec2, ftn)
      h/3*(ftn(a) + ftn(b) + 4*sum(f.vec1) + 2*sum(f.vec2))   # return value
    # or similarly
    simpson_n <- function(ftn, a, b, n = 100) {
      n <- max(c(2*(n %/% 2), 4))
      h <- (b-a)/n
      x.vec <- seq(a, b, by = h)
      f.vec <- sapply(x.vec, ftn)
      h * 1/3 * (f.vec[1] + 4 * sum(f.vec[seq(2, n, by=2)]) + 2 * sum(f.vec[seq(3, n-1, by=2)]) + f.vec[n+1])
    • Example
    ftn6 <- function(x) return(4*x^3)
    simpson_n(ftn6, 0, 1, 20)
    ## [1] 1
    • Example
    f <- function(x) {
      if (0 < x & x < 1) 1/simpson_n(function(x) exp(-x^3), 0, 1)*exp(-x^3)
      else 0
    plot(seq(-1,2,0.01), sapply(seq(-1,2,0.01), f), xlab="x", ylab="f(x)", 'l')
    • compute the mean
    (m <- simpson_n(function(x) x*f(x), 0, 1))
    ## [1] 0.4317834
    • compute the variance
    simpson_n(function(x) (x-m)^2*f(x), 0, 1)
    ## [1] 0.0719255
    • How to define the cumulative function F(x)?

    pdf and cdf of the standard normal

    Consider the probability density function and cumulative distribution of standard normal.

    # probability density function
    phi <- function(x) exp(-x^2 / 2) / sqrt(2*pi)
    # cumulative distribution function
    Phi <- function(z) {
        if (z < 0) 0.5 - simpson_n(phi, z, 0)
        else 0.5 + simpson_n(phi, 0, z)
    z <- seq(-5, 5, by = 0.1)
    phi.z <- sapply(z, phi)
    Phi.z <- sapply(z, Phi)
    plot(z, Phi.z, type  ="l", ylab="", main="phi(z) and Phi(z)")
    lines(z, phi.z)

    Functional programming

    Return values are determined by f.vec:

    • rectangular : h * sum(f.vec)
    • trapzoid : h * (f.vec[1]/2 + sum(f.vec[2:n]) + f.vec[n+1]/2)
    • Simpson : h * 1/3 * (f.vec[1] + 4 * sum(f.vec[seq(2, n, by=2)]) + 2 * sum(f.vec[seq(3, n-1, by=2)]) + f.vec[n+1])

    Define each component as a function:

    rect_method <- function(f.vec) sum(f.vec)
    trapz_method <- function(f.vec) {
      n <- length(f.vec) - 1
      f.vec[1]/2 + sum(f.vec[2:n]) + f.vec[n+1]/2
    simpson_method <- function(f.vec) {
      n <- length(f.vec) - 1
      (f.vec[1] +
        4 * sum(f.vec[seq(2, n, by=2)]) +
        2 * sum(f.vec[seq(3, n-1, by=2)]) +
        f.vec[n+1]) / 3

    Now we can define general numerical integration function.

    numerical_int <- function(ftn, a, b, n = 100, method){
      n <- max(c(2*(n %/% 2), 4))
      h <- (b-a)/n
      x.vec <- seq(a, b, by = h)
      f.vec <- sapply(x.vec, ftn)
      h * method(f.vec)
    ftn6 <- function(x) return(4*x^3)
    numerical_int(ftn6, 0, 1, method = rect_method)
    ## [1] 1.0201
    numerical_int(ftn6, 0, 1, method = trapz_method)
    ## [1] 1.0001
    numerical_int(ftn6, 0, 1, method = simpson_method)
    ## [1] 1

    This programming tatic allow us to extend the numerical integrations as a new method is implemented.

    For example, the Milne method:

    milne_method <- function(f.vec) {
      n <- length(f.vec) - 1
      (4 * f.vec[1] +
        (-2) * sum(f.vec[seq(2, n, by=2)]) +
        8 * sum(f.vec[seq(3, n-1, by=2)]) +
        4 * f.vec[n+1]) * 1 / 3
    numerical_int(ftn6, 0, 1, method = milne_method)
    ## [1] 1.0006

    More about functional programming : http://adv-r.had.co.nz/Functional-programming.html



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